1月11日讯 北京时间1月13日凌晨3:00,西班牙超级杯决赛将上演,皇家马德里对阵巴塞罗那。在比赛前夕,皇马主帅安切洛蒂出席了新闻发布会,并分享了球队的最新动态。
- 这主要因为团队整体平衡受到影响,而个别球员展现出的能力却过于突出。但我认为保持团队协作也同样重要,这是成功的一部分.
最糟糕记忆——伯纳乌0-4输给 巴萨 Strong > P >
失败就是失败,这是一场决赛,我们离另一个冠军又近了一步,要继续积极向前。我知道足球瞬息万变,当竞争者具备强大实力时,一切都有可能发生。所以尽管结果不好但我们依然要努力拼搏. P >
上次国家德比12次越位分析 Strong > P >
这是我们的关注重点之一,需要认真评估并加以改善. p >
< p >< strong > 对 球迷 的寄语: strong > p >
< p > 巴萨始终是历史上的劲敌,此役复杂而艰难,不仅对我们来说困难,对他们也是如此。不确定性的存在让结果无法预测,因此我们只想全力争取胜利,再添荣誉。. < / p >
< p >< strong > 最近几天 对队伍要求 : strong > p >
< p /> 我没有施压,他们在一起玩得开心,我给予足够自由,所以氛围良好。而且,对于他们私底下做什么,我并不打算干涉.< / pd />
< p >The Seven championships to be contested — We are not thinking about that right now; instead, we focus on the special events coming this summer and the new Club World Cup. Our plan is simply to perform well in each match moving forward, nothing more. It’s too early for thoughts of the Club World Cup.
If players like Olmo could shine? This can happen if a very talented player shines through; Dani Olmo is one such excellent talent who has proven himself on the pitch. If he plays tomorrow, we'll have to do everything possible to dim his brilliance.
Your opinion on Real Madrid TV's impact on referees?I believe Mansano is an experienced referee with significant expertise from officiating many important matches; our view at Real Madrid aligns with that.
The significance of playing Supercopa during mid-season?This timing makes sense because statistically speaking when we win it things tend go smoothly afterward—if we lose then it's unlikely we'd secure Champions League victory either—which serves as motivation for us.
Are you prepared for potential failure?
This match holds unpredictability—we must take steps mitigate risks while having clear expectations yet no outcomes can truly be guaranteed due numerous factors involved but what remains controllable lies within how well execute our game strategy—I’m confident in delivering outstanding performance come tomorrow!
Will there be surprises tomorrow?
Nope! The stadium will filled fans eager witness thrilling encounter!