- 职业联赛治理取得重大突破:跨部门合作有效打击“假赌黑”,实现职业联赛“管办分离”十年来的首次进展。
- 国家队建设成效显著:男足国家队在2026世界杯亚洲区预选赛中获得两连胜,展现出拼搏精神;U-19和U-16等年轻球队的发展也令人期待。
- 青少年足球扎实推进:
- 社会足球焕发活力:
- 专业人才培养达标: 注册教练员人数已突破10万名。
- 行业发展信心增强: strong> li >
The report outlines the main tasks for 2025, which include: strengthening party leadership in football, advancing "separation of management and operation" in professional leagues, enhancing national team development, reforming women's football, promoting youth football initiatives effectively, tackling corruption within the sport and improving conduct standards.
This meeting also featured representatives from provincial-level associations (including Shanghai, Jiangxi), key cities' soccer associations (like Suzhou and Shenzhen), as well as speakers from the China Football Development Foundation and the Chinese Student Sports Association. Participants engaged in discussions regarding Zhang's speech alongside relevant reports.
The conference elected Li Zhenjian as a member of China's twelfth executive committee. Additionally, it welcomed Beijing University of Technology’s vice president into its ranks while admitting the China Public Security Sports Association as a new member unit.
The assembly reviewed several important documents including amendments to association regulations and financial reports for 2023. The event was attended by various leaders from related departments under National Sports Administration along with special guests such as FIFA representative Chen Jun and AFC representative Takano Yasuko who provided guidance throughout proceedings.