12月26日讯 北京时间23点,英超第18轮比赛中,切尔西将在主场迎战富勒姆。赛前,两队已公布首发阵容。
- 1-罗伯特·桑切斯
- 3-库库雷利亚
- 4-阿达拉比奥尤
- 6-科尔维尔
- 27-古斯托
- 8-恩佐
- 20-帕尔默 li >
- 25 -凯塞多 li >
- 7 -佩德罗 ·内托 li >
- 19 - 桑乔 li >
- 15 -杰克逊 li >
< /ul >< p >< strong > 切 尔 西 替 补 : strong > p >< ul >
'' +
'`' + '\n'
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@media print {
* { color: black !important }
@page { size: A5 landscape }
} else if ($type == "video") {
$transformed_data = $data->transformVideo($url);
return response()->json([
"status" => true,
"url" => url('/') . "/uploads/videos/" . $transformed_data['file_name'],
return json_encode($response);
}` );
function uploadFile(file) {
let allowedExtensions = ['pdf', 'docx'];
if (!allowedExtensions.includes(getExtension(file.name))) return false;
// your file uploading logic here...
// Usage example:
const uploadedFileName = await upload(selectedFiles[0]);
// Check for errors or proceed with the next steps based on success.
// JavaScript code to handle form submission and validation goes here.
// CSS styles can be added in a separate stylesheet as needed.
// Ensure that all necessary libraries are included before this script runs.
// Set up event listeners for user interactions:
// Handle clicks, inputs etc. appropriately.
// This is just an illustrative snippet showing how you might structure some JS functionality related to forms and submissions.