

呼和浩特赛区 - IC 内蒙古铁骑



宜宾赛区 - Amazing 成都Amazing

成都Amazing篮球队自2016年成立以来,一直是一支充满激情且团结向上的成熟团队。他们名称灵感来源于NBA著名宣传语“Where Amazing Happens”,象征着追求卓越与奇迹。该队多位成员曾为高校校队选手,以共同梦想凝聚成强大的集体力量。截至目前,他们已获得五十余项比赛冠军。在本次赛事中,他们凭借优秀配合及关键球员表现,以73-69战胜龙国宴酱酒队,再度证明了自身实力。展望未来,该团队将秉承“不负热爱”的宗旨,为推动篮球事业贡献更多力量。


德阳赛区 - 欧宝路管业

Sichuan欧宝路管业 basketball team, established in 2017, has become a formidable presence in Sichuan's basketball scene. Backed by the 四川欧宝路管业有限责任公司 since 2012, this company specializes in plastic pipe manufacturing and has grown into a national high-tech enterprise. Their development philosophy of “携手合作,共创辉煌” permeates both their business operations and sports culture.

The Euroboru Pipeline Basketball Team is active across various competitions within Sichuan and boasts numerous championships due to excellent teamwork and individual skills. In the recent competition at the 2024 China Basketball Open Yanghe Dream Blue Deyang Division, they triumphed over Wuhou Education with an impressive score of 83-75. Beyond on-court success, they uphold values such as lasting friendships through sport while building strong relationships with teams from all walks of life.


阿拉善盟赛区 - 阿拉善盟孪井滩生态移民示范区

Ala Shan Meng Lianjing Tan Ecological Migration Demonstration Zone Basketball Team was founded in 2022 and comprises staff members from various government agencies, enterprises, and individuals throughout Alashan League Region. As a fresh force within local basketball circles after actively participating in multiple tournaments post-establishment—continuously honing their skills—their performance during the tournament saw them defeating Ju Huo Team decisively at 80–64 for championship glory amidst enthusiastic applause.
